So I'm assembling a list of Tech that I have tested and used in my shows, that work for the Macbook Pro with USB-C:
You will plug this into your Macbook as your main video out allowing you to send HDMI to a projector or screen.
Ok I would advise never to use VGA however as old as this technology is
you would be surprised how many times I am told "We don't have HDMI"
and not from some old Historical Theatre, but Modern Million Dollar facilities that simply haven’t updated their tech yet. (I Know)
VGA usually has a quality of only 640x480 Pixels think the TV set that you grew up
Watching as a kid! (barf) Compared to the 1920x1080 of standard HDMI
So if you have an option ALWAYS choose HDMI but i suggest always have an HDMI adapter on hand.
another thing you will want is a short 8'-12' HDMI cable on hand
I don't like being told I need to stack my computer on this rickety old table full of the venues gear
and im now sharing the space with about 10" left and the guy who has his soda sitting 2" from my mac! auugh
So I always carry a small HDMI cable that allows me to move or set up my own table safely and more conveniently to a better location. And if their cable is damaged (happens all the time you always have replacement ready to go!
Another thing you wont need BUT sure wish you had purchased one day.
this little device was shown to me by the Owner of Audio Ape Remotes,
when we were both discussing the huge amount of problems both of us were having connecting our gear on Disney Cruise lines, see they have some of the most advanced venues in the world.
but instead of that making things easier.. for us it makes it so much more complicated, because instead of just plugging in HDMI and it being routed directly to the projector or LED walls, it goes thru a a million different systems, including Converters, Boosters, Splitters, and then is all controlled by a computer system call Watch Out, and although it works perfectly for their in-house systems, it can be a disaster for Mac's because Mac computer have a little thing called Handshake
which is the process of each device recognizing each other and determining that they are both authorized to transport this high quality digital signal. This process is repeated constantly while the digital signal is being sent over the HDMI connection.
So when you plug in your mac see's their Display, but wont send anything except black!
and thats because the Handshake is lost in all those devises and basically you end up with a black screen, however this little DR HDMI forces those signals 99.99% of the time thru and i go thru & instantly solves so many potential issues. So i strongly suggest carrying this with you like I do.
another thing that is a must have for me is a
there is only 4 USB's out on a macbook pro, and if you're like me your mac will end up with so many cables and plugs the poor thing looks like its on life support!
so I use this HUB which I love.
i also have this one
When it comes to LIVE CAMERAS
you will need a Capture Device. My first choice used to be the industry standard BLACK MAGIC but I recently switched to these fantastic little Magewell USB capture devises that unlike the Black Magic that uses Thunderbolt and then requires yet another adapter for the "DongleBook Pro!" ha ha
I use this USB to HDMI! Thats right it's Bloody USB how brilliant is that! I literally have this plugged into the Hub shown above, and it works perfectly I run 2 of these on one hub along with tons of other USB and other devices plugged in with no issues at all! they are just SOLID!
of course you will need a male to male USB plug which one is supplies however i always keep a spare. (as media monkey always uses this same plug)
If you are using a GOPRO as your Live Camera like I do for some routines,
then you will of course need a Micro HDMI to HDMI cable,
I like this one because its so light and thin and doesn't kink easy on stage
Depending on the HDMI our of your camcorder and or GOPRO
you may need this adapter which allows you to go from Micro, Mini to HDMI.
In most cases you will need more then 15' of HDMI cable,
for instance my stages are usually 40' 50' wide, so if my Live Camera is located stage right.
i need approx 25' of cable.. but remember you need to factor in the height of the computer table AND the height of the camera stand! if the camera stand is 5.5' tall you are now approx 10' short of cable between the two ends.. so you will need to add an additional cable using this
Female to Female HDMI adapter here.
HOWEVER the less adapters the better!
less chance of it coming unplugged or cheap adapters getting stepped on and breaking..
so i prefer using Extension HDMI cables like this:
I use 4 Live Cameras on stage and Film my show from FOH
and i travel with NO TRIPODS!
Yep this is my little hack i discovered 5 years ago. i can basically travel with all my tech gear in my
hand luggage, and when i arrive i simple ask for 4 mic stands! i take off the Mic adapter, and simply attach these amazing clamps that securely hold the cameras in place with a Ball joint that can be positioned in nearly any angle!
and then I add my own battery Powered LED camera lights right on top of that same camera mount eliminating the need to program lights for the close up camera tables
and im telling you these things are great they are full dimmable, plus have built in color temp
so your live camera routines will look amazing.. you dont want washed out over exposed bright BLUE Cards LOL 😂
And if you're curious which camera's im using..
im using the GOPRO 5 there is no reason to upgrade to the later models for a LIVE HDMI OUT
you will just be spending more money for no reason. (unless you want it for fun after the show too then cool but i keep my show gear locked up in my show case.. and they are not allowed to go out and play! ha ha )
when it comes to Controlling the show..
I USE ONE AND ONY! (the best!)
Drum Roll please ... Pyro, Confetti Crowds Cheering! ha ha h (ok ok Isolation is getting to me!)
(Made by Audio Ape Remotes)
![]() |
the other option is amazing in so many ways, but its not a remote and you cant go wireless
but seriously check it out.. its incredible how each button is its own little screen and you can create your own images and text for each show making it so easy to see what to fire at what time.
check out
3 different sizes are available, a 6, 15 & 32 key option is available.
this is so cool for Qlab software among other softwares.
this is so cool for Qlab software among other softwares.
of course you will need a high quality DIRECT BOX for no hum audio out.
remember your computer will have a lot of stuff plugged into it, and 75% of the time the HDMI will bring with it bad power or there is a ground lift somewhere in the theatre, and as soon as you turn on the audio there is a HORRIBLE HUM! this DI will prevent that and give you options to change things at each venue to solve any audio issues before it goes to the venues sound board.
and and I use :
well i think this is all that you will need for now.. if you want to get into Lighting, and MIDI and WIFI ohh.. yeah if you use Audio ape
s free app LAB MONKEY
downloadable from the app store at :
you will need Wifi to connect your mac with your iphone or ipad to be able to view on stage whats happening on your computer screen.. (i use this every show!)
you NEVER want to use the venues wifi which has tons of users and loaded with traffic, and the last thing you want is to fire a cue and it go wrong because you were using a bad wifi network.
so i always carry my own.
I like these Eero Mesh systems because you can keep extending them and it gives you plenty of range, and i use wifi for many things in my show and i want it to have a long range with no issues.
ok thats it for now.. have fun and if you have any questions feel free to message me via my website at
Happy Programming!